Balance is a vital component of health. Good balance is required for everyday activities as simple as walking.
While research shows that after the age of 65, one in three Americans will have a fall that leads to a significant injury, most people CAN improve their balance at any age.
It is important to actively train for balance because beginning in your thirties, the stabilizing muscles that help you to balance will start to weaken from deconditioning or from too much sitting. Without active prevention, worsening balance becomes a fact of life for many as they age.
Are you searching for balance?
Perhaps you have always been clumsy or had "bad balance." Maybe you have trouble holding a balance pose in yoga class and therefore label yourself as bad at balance...or avoid yoga and other balance activities entirely. But balance isn't simply about standing still on one foot. Balance is about being able to move and function in the world...and being able to quickly recover when needed.
Dr. Kane has helped patients improve balance.
Balance is a dynamic state that requires clear communication between your central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord) and the nerves, muscles, and joints that are involved in movement and balance. Chiropractic care with the ProAdjuster helps to remove nerve interference that distorts communication between the central nervous system and the rest of the body, and this can lead to improved function.
Even when the brain and body are communicating well, it's still important to actively train your balance. The key to finding your balance is simply beginning a balance program...and then consistently practicing balance.
Find out if Dr. Kane can help you. As a Chiropractic Physician and a Certified Yoga Instructor, Dr. Kane has helped hundreds of people to find their balance.