Can Acupuncture Help with Sinus Problems and Allergies?
Get Chiropractic or Acupuncture for Sinus Relief.
Chiropractors help sinus and allergy problems by ensuring proper function of the nervous system. Spinal misalignments that affect vertebral joint motion can cause interference between your brain and your body. These misalignments in the upper part of the neck can impact the immune system and increase allergic symptoms.
Gentle spinal adjustments with the ProAdjuster help to restore motion and correct these misalignments, thereby enhancing the communication between your brain and your body. Dr. Kane also works on specific pressure points that help to ease sinus pressure, tension, and headaches.
Dr. Kane has used acupuncture to help countless patients find relief from sinus conditions and allergies. She will insert very fine needles into points along the face and body that not only relieve sinus pressure, tension, and headaches, but also help to reduce fatigue and support overall body healing. Many patients report immediate and lasting relief.
Dr. Kane will also teach you acupressure to support your healing between visits, and she may recommend dietary changes and nutritional supplements that are useful in making long lasting improvements to allergy and sinus conditions.